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Today's (and Yesterday's)
Weather at Sutton Mills, NH
3/26 06:03

      Temperature 25.8°F
      Frostpoint 25.2°F
      Dewpoint 24.3°F
      Barometer 29.977 in Hg & Steady

Outside Temp History

Barometer History

      Wind --- at 0 mph
      Wind Chill 26°F
      Recent rainfall (melted snow?) 0.00 in
      Current rate 0.00 in/hour
      Storm total 0.37 in

Current Wind

Today's Rain

      PM2.5 Air Quality Index 23
      Correlation error 0.05
      VOC Bosch Static IAQ 203 

PM2.5 Air Quality Index History

Experimental VOC Bosch Static IAQ History


Other presentations. However, one never got beyond the startup stage, and the second just plain doesn't work and won't for a while. Sorry!:

Originally I had to run Davis's WeatherLink while I was working on a Linux interface and working on getting away from Windows altogether. The graphs in the Linux presentation are now in pretty good shape I think are better than what I can play with from WeatherLink. In particular, I can put multiple variables on a single graph, very useful for things like air temperature and dew point. I've also forced some vertical scales to meet minimums, so you can glance at the barometer graph and tell if the barometer is low or high. The vertical scale runs from 29.40" to 30.60" instead of WeatherLink's stretch to fit graph.

Other of my weather-related pages you might want to check are:

Non-weather local links:
  • Sutton New Hampshire has three small villages, North Sutton, South Sutton (both have post offices and ZIP codes!) and Sutton Mills which is the town center and has town hall, the library, but neither post office nor Dunkin Donuts. Sutton Mills is named for the several water powered mills along our Lane River. All but one were destroyed in the All New England Flood of 1936, a catastrophe that the town still hasn't recovered from.

  • Hannah Dustin was from Penacook, I need a local personality. There are several!

  • My home page.

  • Nearby Geocaches.

Text last updated 2024 May 21.